Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin, Inc.

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Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin, Inc. is the largest of 161 Goodwill organizations in the world and has been providing services since 1919. Some 6,100 Goodwill employees work in nearly 100 locations throughout our 23-county territory in southeastern Wisconsin and metropolitan Chicago. Our service territory consists of thirteen full or partial counties in southeastern Wisconsin, and ten full or partial counties in northeastern Illinois. Our mission is to provide training, employment and supportive services for people with disabilities or disadvantages who seek greater independence. Employment and training are Goodwill's primary focus, assisting men and women to develop their job skills and secure work opportunities that fulfill their personal and professional goals. As the economy struggles, the need for our services continues to grow. In 2017, Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin and Metropolitan Chicago provided services to 62,173 individuals and 9,871 men and women entered employment. We employ more people with disabilities (25% of their workforce) than any private-sector business in the area, and 91.3% of Goodwill's revenue is allocated to programs and services.

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Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin, Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 6055 n. 91st street, milwaukee, wisconsin 53225, us
Line 2: 6055 N 91st St
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People working at Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin, Inc.
Nadeem C.
Vice President Information Technology
Greendale, Wisconsin, United States
Gerald Bester
Director Of Logistics
Greendale, Wisconsin, United States
Steven Prokop
Director Of Procurement
Greendale, Wisconsin, United States
Tom Fox
Marketing Manager - Retail
Greendale, Wisconsin, United States
Tony Lawson
Director Of Asset Protection
Greendale, Wisconsin, United States
Julie Deming
Director, Merchandising and Customer Experience
Greendale, Wisconsin, United States
Scott Vander Heyden
Director of IT Operations
Greendale, Wisconsin, United States
David Fleming
Senior Ecommerce Manager
Greendale, Wisconsin, United States
Shawn McCourt
Vice President Supply Chain
Greendale, Wisconsin, United States
Bob Lichtfuss
Director of Supply Chain
Greendale, Wisconsin, United States
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