GREy powered by Droneradar

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GREy is a platform for automated data driven risk analysis for UAS operations required by aviation authorities for BVLOS flights. GREy is a consortium of three companies: Droneradar - Service Provider, WIZIPISI - Geospatial Services and Creotech Instruments - Infrastructure Provider. Obtaining UAS flight permit involves execution of Risk Analyses. Gathering and fusing data required for reliable process is laborious and time consuming. GREY provides easy to use web portal with SORA/PDRA/STS/N-STS compliant tools and pre-compiled geo-data repository. GREy team continuously searches for more accurate and up-to-date geo-datasets and blends it into the core repository. GREy tools allow checking flight trajectory against geo-data repository in terms of extended vertical profile as well as population and risk heatmap with built-in accountability mechanisms. GREy offer highly scalable access to DTM/DSM models, required by CIS and USSP for assessing Strategic Flight Plan Process, as well as support for CARS (Common Altitude Reference System). GREy platform is an outcome of ESA founded project - BFPaaS (BVLOS Flight Planning as a Service). Initially designed as a technology demonstrator quickly evolved into fully functional platform due to overwhelming reception from the test users.

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People working at GREy powered by Droneradar
Tomasz Berezowski
Pawel Korzec
Chief Strategy Officer (CSO)
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