
Gulf Islamic Investments (GII)

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Gulf Islamic Investments LLC (GII) is a UAE-based financial services company regulated by the Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA). Gulf Islamic Investments is committed to providing a diverse set of unique, duly researched, well-structured and risk-mitigated investment opportunities to its clients, with a view to achieve consistent and superior returns in the fields of private equity, venture capital, infrastructure and real estate. Under the leadership of a committed group of prominent shareholders and investors, GII's team enjoys collective investment, strategic management, finance and accounting experience. GII and its team enjoy a track record of managing $2.5 billion in assets and securing $5.5 billion in debt and in excess of $1.0 billion in equity.

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Gulf Islamic Investments (GII)'s headquarter address
Line 1: shk mubarak bin mohd al, dubai, dubai, united arab emirates
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financial services
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People working at Gulf Islamic Investments (GII)
Mohammed Alhassan
CO-Founder & CEO & Board Member
Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Pankaj Gupta
Founder & Co-CEO
Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Vaibhav Kothari
Senior Vice President, Investments
Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Julien Romanet
Head of Global Real Estate
Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Akanksha Marwaha
Compliance Officer
Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Huda Al Gallaf
Vice President - Investment Placement
Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Siddharth Sanghi
Group Chief Financial Officer
Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Head Of Operations
Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Amit Jain
Chief Investment Officer
Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Suzanne Dagher
Head Of Corporate Communications
Al Hebiah Fourth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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