Habitat for Humanity India

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Habitat for Humanity India's vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Anchored by the conviction that safe and affordable housing provides a critical foundation for breaking the cycle of poverty, Habitat India works with low-income, marginalized families to build homes, provides housing-related services and raises awareness for adequate housing and sanitation. Since its inception in 1983, Habitat for Humanity India has touched the lives of over 18,50,509 individuals by building 3,34,967 homes and 8,81,322 sanitation units across 26 states of India. Habitat for Humanity India is part of Habitat for Humanity International - a global non-governmental organization that seeks to eliminate poverty housing and to make adequate shelter a matter of conscience and action. The core area of Habitat's work in India is: • Decent Shelter • WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) • Disaster Risk Reduction and Response

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Habitat for Humanity India's headquarter address
Line 1: 303 dhanthak plaza, makwana road, marol, andheri east, mumbai, maharashtra, india
Line 2: 303 Makwana Road
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People working at Habitat for Humanity India
Dr. Rajan Samuel
Managing Director
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Sanjay Daswani
Senior Director - Key Donor Management, Information Mgmt & Technology
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Lara Shankar Chandra
Director - Strategy, Advocacy & Partnerships
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Maria Peres
Senior Manager - Corporate Partnerships
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Gus Prakash
Director -Monitoring,Evaluation,Accountability and Learning (MEAL)
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Mohan D'Souza
Director – Corporate Partnerships & Direct Marketing
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Rajat Chaturvedi
Senior Manager
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Rajiv Raman
Director (Western Region)
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Satish Jadhav
Deputy Manager - Program
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Director - International Volunteer Programs and Resource Development
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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