Hampton People Ltd

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Hampton People Ltd provides Recruitment & Business Consulting Services. We operate across the UK and partner corporations, emerging businesses, not-for-profits and public sector organisations. We help our client partners engage, attract and manage candidates directly, through implementing direct sourcing strategies. We also provide tailored exec search services for niche and senior appointments. Areas of expertise include: Executive Search Permanent Recruitment Interim appointments Business Consulting Services Project Management ATS & HRIS Advertising & Paid Social Media Campaigns Onboarding

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Hampton People Ltd's headquarter address
Line 1: 26b bradford road, guiseley, leeds, england ls20 8nh, gb
Line 2: 26B Bradford Road
Hampton People Ltd's industries
staffing & recruiting
Hampton People Ltd's technology
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People working at Hampton People Ltd
Mike Heald
Managing Director
Guiseley, England, United Kingdom
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