Harris Corporation

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At Harris, our shared set of values, skills and experience have shaped some of the most remarkable communications technologies and cutting-edge innovations in the world. A company is only as forward thinking as its employees. We encourage collaboration and creative problem-solving; your individual potential is endless. Harris Corporation is a leading technology innovator, solving customers' toughest mission-critical challenges by providing solutions that connect, inform and protect. Harris supports customers in about 100 countries and has approximately $6 billion in annual revenue. The company is organized into three business segments: Communication Systems, Electronic Systems and Space and Intelligence Systems. Learn more at harris.com.

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Harris Corporation's headquarter address
Line 1: 1025 West NASA Boulevard, Melbourne, Florida 32919, US
Line 2: 1025 West NASA Boulevard
Harris Corporation's industries
Defense and Space Manufacturing
Harris Corporation's technology
Backbone JS Library Drupal Eloqua Media Temple SSL Microsoft Office 365 Outlook Zendesk
People working at Harris Corporation
Widad Hibner
Senior Director, Engineering
Melbourne, Florida, United States
Bill Gattle
President of Space and Intelligence Solutions
Melbourne, Florida, United States
Mike Bianchi
Senior Manager, Information Technology (IT) Strategy
Melbourne, Florida, United States
Kirk Etchberger, PMP
Future Operations Manager
Melbourne, Florida, United States
Arjen H.
Content Creator & Product Advisor
Ricky Harris
Rick Simonian
Robert Kirsch
Vice President of Operations
Melbourne, Florida, United States
Josh Bruckmeyer, Ph.D.
Lead System Architect
Melbourne, Florida, United States
Michael Rogero
Director - Supply Chain Management - Avionics BU / ES Segment
Melbourne, Florida, United States
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