Hathaway & Cope

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Hathaway & Cope is a wholesale Insurance Broker established in 1982 and are specialist Public, Employers & Excess of Loss Liability scheme providers to Retail Insurance Brokers. We provide Liability Insurance designed specifically for self employed persons and small businesses, undertaking work in manual, clerical and professional trades. A wholesale broker does not deal directly with the general public or insured parties. Instead, wholesale brokers act as an intermediary between a retail broker and their client, who is looking for insurance. As a wholesale broker, Hathaway & Cope has no direct contact with the insured; this relationship is managed by the retail broker, who in effect is selling the insurance to their client.

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People working at Hathaway & Cope
David Ransley
Owner - Managing Director
Elland, England, United Kingdom
Shaun Foulds
Development Underwriting Director
Elland, England, United Kingdom
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