HCC Surety Group

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HCC Surety Group is a leading provider of surety bonds. Our bonds are issued through three highly-rated carriers: American Contractors Indemnity Company, United States Surety Company, and U.S. Specialty Insurance Company. With branch offices across the nation to serve agents and brokers, HCC Surety Group offers an unmatched team of experts, with hundreds of years of combined underwriting experience. A surety bond is a contract among at least three parties: the principal, the obligee, and the surety. Through this agreement, the surety agrees to make the obligee whole if the principal defaults in its performance of its promise to the obligee. HCC Surety Group ("HCCS") has an unsurpassed team of underwriters, able to handle both standard and hard-to-place risks. Our underwriting staff has a variety of tools at their disposal to handle hard-to-place risks. Our focused team of professional underwriters offers high quality service to thousands of agents across the country through our Los Angeles, California and Timonium, Maryland headquarters and regional branch offices located throughout the U.S. HCC Surety Group is a wholly owned subsidiary of HCC Insurance Holdings, Inc. ("HCC"). HCC is an international insurance holding company and a leading specialty insurance group operating from offices in the USA, Bermuda, England, Ireland and Spain. HCC's philosophy is the long term growth of shareholders' equity through capital preservation, diversification of operations and conservative investments. HCC has achieved an outstanding record of growth and profitability since its formation in 1974, through creative but disciplined underwriting, opportunistic expansion of existing lines of business, acquisitions and strategic investments.

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HCC Surety Group's headquarter address
Line 1: 801 south figueroa street, los angeles, california, united states
Line 2: 801 South Figueroa Street
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People working at HCC Surety Group
Adam Pessin
President and Chief Executive Officer
Los Angeles, California, United States
Michal Rogson
Vice President, Court Department
Los Angeles, California, United States
John Yi
Vice President, Bond Claims Director
Los Angeles, California, United States
Kevin Stubbe
VP and SE Regional Surety Manager
Los Angeles, California, United States
Lo Kio
Los Angeles, California, United States
Jon Schneider
Senior Vice President
Cam Fletcher
Vice President / Regional Director
Los Angeles, California, United States
Paul Dito
Regional Manager
Los Angeles, California, United States
Paul Guelpa
Vice President, Bond Claims
Jeff Ball
Commercial Bond Underwriting Manager
Los Angeles, California, United States
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