Heal-a-Child Foundation
Heal-a-Child Foundation is a Charitable trust and Non-Profit Organization, founded with the mission to save sick children who may not survive, not because of their illness, but only because the family cannot afford to pay for medical expenses & prolonged in-patient treatment at the hospital. The foundation, which started in June 2010, has saved over 650 children in the last ten years. Heal-a-Child does not focus on a specific area of illness & are one of the few organisations that help all sick children. They pay for medical expenses for very poor & critically ill children. The focus is newborns who need intensive care treatment and the girl child. The children who are supported are directly referred by local children's hospitals in Hyderabad. Whenever the hospital receives a case where the child is critical and the parents cannot afford to pay for medical treatment, the hospital calls Heal-a-Child who will evaluate the financial situation of the parents & then support the child. The hospital bill is paid for directly by Heal-a-Child.
- website: http://www.heal-a-child.org
- facebook: https://www.facebook.com/healachildfoundation/
- twitter: https://twitter.com/HealAChildHyd
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/heal-a-child