Henniges Automotive

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Henniges provides automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) with sealing systems for doors, windows, trunks, lift gates, sunroofs and hoods. The company also supplies the automotive market with anti-vibration components and encapsulated glass systems. Headquartered in Auburn Hills, Michigan, Henniges sells to all major Automotive OEM customers and operates facilities in North America, South America, Europe and Asia with over 8,000 employees worldwide.

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Henniges Automotive's headquarter address
Line 1: 2750 High Meadow Circle, Auburn Hills, Michigan 48326, US
Line 2: 2750 High Meadow Circle
Henniges Automotive's industries
Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
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People working at Henniges Automotive
Jesus Fernando Favela García
Coordinador de almacén
Auburn Hills, Michigan, United States
John D.
Global Lead, Director Of Continuous Improvement and Operational Excellence Americas
Auburn Hills, Michigan, United States
Michael Sharp
Vice President Operations, Americas
Auburn Hills, Michigan, United States
Larry Rollins
Chief Operating Officer
Auburn Hills, Michigan, United States
Gregor Ciccia
IT Director
Auburn Hills, Michigan, United States
Felix Onofre
Plant Manager
Auburn Hills, Michigan, United States
Greg Kistler
Auburn Hills, Michigan, United States
Rama Maddipati
Vice President Global Engineering
Auburn Hills, Michigan, United States
Michael (Mick) Beyer
Chief Financial Officer
Auburn Hills, Michigan, United States
Michael Ostrander
Global Director Purchasing
Auburn Hills, Michigan, United States
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