High School Democrats of America

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The High School Democrats of America (HSDA) is a national political organization that serves as an entry point to Democratic politics for youth activists from across the country. Thousands of our members work at the state and local level to advance the ideals of the Democratic Party, engage fellow students to become active within the American political system, and elect Democratic candidates to public office. Go to hsdems.org/action to start your local chapter, and direct your questions to communications director Lekeha Sunder at lsunder@hsdems.org. In election years, HSDA has proven instrumental in various campaigns from Joseph Donnelly to Elizabeth Warren, and our members have made tens of thousands of calls for candidates of all levels; the New York High School Democrats made more than 28,000 swing state calls for President Obama's re-election campaign alone in 2012. In 2013, HSDA effectively organized students in Maryland and Pennsylvania to contribute to GOTV efforts in Terry McAulliffe's Virginia gubernatorial campaign. In 2014, the Connecticut High School Democrats knocked on more than 5,000 doors for Governor Malloy's re-election campaign. Since then, our efforts have only intensified. Members across the nation knocked on more than 43,000 doors, made nearly 103,000 phone calls, and registered close to 6,000 voters in 2016 alone. Others worked with the Clinton campaign as volunteers and organizing fellows, while many others served as Senate pages; in the past year, several HSDA state chairs were elected as delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

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People working at High School Democrats of America
Kaitlin Kushnir
NYHSD Manhattan Vice President
United States
Bayly Hoehne
Connecticut Chair
United States
Jonathan Pinelli
Founder & Chair • National Foster and Adopted Youth Association
United States
Pranav Chaturvedi
Communications Director of Somerset County High School Democrats
United States
Aarika Roy
Board Member - Board at Gun Sense NH
Concord, New Hampshire, United States
Sohali Vaddula
National Communications Director
United States
Darby FitzSimmons
Jeffrie Clarence Chambers, IV
National Vice Chairman
United States
Henry Pahlow
Midwest Regional Director
United States
Jenna Rowen-Delson
New York State Chair
United States
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