Proterial Cable America

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HCA consists of three divisions, The Performance Cable Systems & Materials Division, the Automotive Products Division and the High Performance Medical Solutions Division. The Performance Cable Systems and Materials division designs and manufactures copper and fiber optic communication cables and assemblies for the telecommunications industry. Products support applications such as Ethernet, Industrial Ethernet, video, Power Over Ethernet, HDMI, Infiniband and more. For the US market, the company imports and sells Hitachi products, including networking electronics, optical components, wires and cables, copper products and semiconductor materials. Manufacturing has been done at the Manchester, New Hampshire facility since 1986. The Automotive Products Division designs and manufactures high-performance materials and components used by the automotive industry. Products include power cable harnesses for electric / hybrid vehicles, brake hose products and electric sensor harnesses. The Automotive Products Division operates manufacturing facilities in Indiana, Florida and Mexico. The High Performance Medical Solutions division (HPMS) provides ISO-13485:2016 compliant manufacturing services of components and finished medical devices for OEMs worldwide though our HTP-MEDS product line. We specialize in complex catheter tubing, high pressure braided tubing, secondary operations and device assembly such as PICC catheters; introducer sheaths; and fluid transport tubing. Our division is strong in tight pitch, high-density terminations and cable assemblies for low and high volume ultrasound cable assemblies as well as micro-camera devices for endoscopy and advanced surgical applications. ith global sales offices, production centers in Rhode Island, Connecticut and New Hampshire, as well as overseas cable production in Japan and China, HPMS is well positioned to handle your medical needs. HCA's headquarters is in Purchase, New York, USA.

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Proterial Cable America's headquarter address
Line 1: 900 holt ave, manchester, new hampshire, united states
Line 2: 900 Holt Avenue
Proterial Cable America's industries
Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing
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People working at Proterial Cable America
Lynne Humenik
Chief Executive Officer
Manchester, New Hampshire, United States
Jorge Antonio Villalobos
Operations Vice President
Manchester, New Hampshire, United States
Luis Ramirez
Product Engineering Manager
Tom Artinian
Chief Operating Officer
Manchester, New Hampshire, United States
Brian Harvie
Vice President of Technology
Manchester, New Hampshire, United States
Lee Downey
Global Division Director - Supply Chain
Manchester, New Hampshire, United States
Wes Hanson
Director of Operations
Manchester, New Hampshire, United States
Robert Overton
Vice President, Engineering & Operations
Manchester, New Hampshire, United States
Barbara Everitte
SVP & Chief Financial Officer
Manchester, New Hampshire, United States
Alejandra Cordero-Lara
Senior Human Capital Manager / Hitachi Cable Querétaro (HCQ)
Manchester, New Hampshire, United States
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