Hive Social, Inc.

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Founder Kassandra Pop self taught to code and started Hive in the summer of 2019 on a fold out coffee table. The very first iOS app version was launched in October 2019, with co-founder Gilberto Malfabon joining as Lead Designer two months later. Most of 2020 was spent on R&D before a massive app update in December. After just one Tiktok promotion video, Hive went viral in the first week of February 2021. Our servers crashed as we welcomed thousands of new Besties to the Hive community. We even reached #1 on the iOS App Store and were featured in Teen Vogue! We grew past 300K users during this time and since then have grown to 600K organically. What's next? Our powerhouse team preparing for an Android release in March, with thousands of users already signed up for Android Beta! 🚀

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Line 1: , fountain valley, california, usa, 92728
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online media
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Amazon AWS Liquidweb Mobile Friendly Outlook Varnish
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