Hivemind Solutions

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We believe that in a world where working from home has become the accepted normal, we can enable businesses to take advantage of geographical, cognitive diversity. We believe that mobile devices have the power to not only compete but replace traditional endpoint technology. We believe that our partners will benefit from technology that they are already purchasing to not only enhance their mobility and collaboration but also adhere to the lean and agile methodologies. We deliver our beliefs by collaborating with partners to understand the root of their problem while underpinning our solutions with automation at every step. Our promise to you is to build the best solution utilising public cloud services enhanced by mobile device management solutions that are not only self-healing but also secure. How can we help? We deliver fantastic alternatives to the standard workstation, combining the host of normal devices in to a smaller technology footprint. We build for device security, seamless integration and enable organisations to truly be free of the work desk. We provide expert delivery of Secure Mobile Device Management and Standard Operating Environment built around the power of Public Cloud technologies and the benefits of available mobile technology that have become critical to every day life.

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Hivemind Solutions's headquarter address
Line 1: adelaide, sa 5000, au
Hivemind Solutions's industries
information services
People working at Hivemind Solutions
Will Wakelin
Partner, V-CIO and Consultant
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Rajat Malik
Direct Sales Representative
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