Honey Badger Advisors LLC

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Honey Badger Advisors LLC is an independent Registered Investment Advisory (RIA). Our customers are free thinking, freedom loving people who want their money managed in their own best interest, using research based methodology. We do not support ESG and DIE programs in companies and would vote against such detrimental activities. Honey Badger does not do business with any outside managers that incorporate ESG in their investment process - except in the context of risk - as a threat to company excellence. These are our fundamental values: Independent – our advice is centered solely on your needs. We are not beholden to banks, funds or insurance companies. Unbiased – we are not restrained by competing business interests. We are not involved in M&A, securitization, equity origination, so we can offer unfiltered opinion. Fierce – just like our name sake, Honey Badger, we are small but unafraid to tell you what large complex organization with multiple lines of business won't. Fiduciary – we are fee only advisors – we won't sell your data to Hedge Funds, we don't take payments from outside managers to place their products. Your best interest is our best interest. Our Pledge – we do not engage in high pressure sales or any other "sales strategies". We do not sell products, we provide solutions for your financial security.

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Honey Badger Advisors LLC's headquarter address
Line 1: rye, new york, united states
Honey Badger Advisors LLC's industries
financial services
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People working at Honey Badger Advisors LLC
Bozidar Jovanovic, PhD, CFA, CQF
Founder and Chief Investment Officer
Rye, New York, United States
Ariel Penaflor
Rye, New York, United States
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