HPJ Consulting

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HPJ will create and deliver for you, key strategic sales and marketing plans. They also have the in depth skills and experience to research, create and launch new products and services that deliver higher added value, margins and recurring revenue streams. Coupled to this they have the ability to analyse and benchmark non core costs and deliver substantial cost saving initiatives as well as on going cost reduction/lean processes, offshoring, outsourcing or multisourcing. HPJ can deliver interim executive and non-executive director support roles to accelerate sound, sustainable growth, mentoring and guiding businesses through difficult periods of growth. Our team specialise in targeting acquisition, joint venture partners or likely trade buyers for business sale or disposal.

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management consulting
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ASP.NET Microsoft-IIS Mobile Friendly
People working at HPJ Consulting
David Palmer-Jeffery
Managing Director - Driving Growth and Innovation
Little Somerford, England, United Kingdom
Devanshi Jani
Executive Coach
Neil Logan
Ismael Silva
Hpj construcoes
Little Somerford, England, United Kingdom
Pedro Maciel
Little Somerford, England, United Kingdom
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