Humanitarian Hearts

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Humanitarian Hearts is a not for profit humanitarian organisation promoting sustainable economic and social development by working with communities to eradicate poverty, illiteracy and disease. We also respond to disasters and emergencies, helping people in crisis and in their time of need. We are inspired to work for the benefit of all humanity in line with the teachings of traditional Islam. Our key values are love, compassion, sincerity, social justice, education and custodianship. Our Mission To develop the capacity and skill of the members of the socially and economically excluded and/or disadvantaged community in such a way that they are better able to identify, and help meet their needs so that they may participate more fully in society. To develop a portfolio of humanitarian projects that will aid and advance social and public welfare locally and internationally relieving the poverty, distress or disadvantage of individuals or families while also assisting in the rebuilding, repairing or securing of assets after a disaster. To promote and protect human rights locally and internationally and assist in relieving victims from human rights abuse and raising awareness of human right issues. To develop and assist in hosting educational workshops on various Islamic educational subjects for community multi-cultural guidance in the general knowledge of Islam to Muslims and non-Muslims under the direction of the founding spiritual leader. To work for the benefit of all humanity; in line with the teachings of traditional Islam.

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Imran Syed
Humanitarian 💓 Hearts Mushroom Growers Foundation Uganda
Farm Manager
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