Hydraproducts Ltd

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Hydraproducts is a hydraulic power pack manufacturer specialising in applications such as Compactors, Road Blockers, Bollards, Trailers and Commercial vehicles. Using our years of experience we design hydraulic products and systems that are tailored to customers needs. Hydraproducts objective is assist OEM customers to remain competitive in a world market place, by designing and manufacturing Hydraulic power packs. New technology, materials and manufacturing excellence give our engineers the means to produce world class hydraulic power packs. Supporting our OEM customers throughout the UK and with Distributors in Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Finland, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Bulgaria. Hydraproducts has a high awareness of quality in design and manufacture, with a culture strongly geared towards the growth of its product and customer base through customer satisfaction not only with its quality but also with the solutions that are offered. Three dedicated production lines give consistency, quality and reassurance that our power pack products will be delivered on time and with the quality level that our customers demand. Design and engineering facilities include SOLIDWORKS and AUTOCAD. Hydraproducts is situated in a modern industrial manufacturing facilities for:- - Autocad and Solid Works design and development - Prototype development department - Electro-Hydraulic Test Centres - Hydraulic Power pack test facility - Mechanical and Electronic Assembly and Test areas

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Hydraproducts Ltd's headquarter address
Line 1: unit 5 tuffley trading estate, gloucester, gloucestershire, united kingdom
Line 2: Pearce Way
Hydraproducts Ltd's industries
mechanical or industrial engineering
Hydraproducts Ltd's technology
Apache Google Font API Google Tag Manager Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly Outlook WordPress.org reCAPTCHA
People working at Hydraproducts Ltd
Michael Pearce
Sales Manager
Gloucester, England, United Kingdom
Arpudha Raj
Sales Engineer
Gloucester, England, United Kingdom
Paul Van leer
Gloucester, England, United Kingdom
Haydon King
Hydraulic Engineer
Gloucester, England, United Kingdom
Jeff Andrews
Assembly / test / welder
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