Hydraulink Fluid Connectors Ltd

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Hydraulink has more than 75 years of industry experience and provides a diverse range of hydraulic fittings, components and 24/7 services to a wide range of businesses across New Zealand, Australia and the South Pacific regions. Operating from over 400 service points, including distribution centres with counter service and supported by mobile service units, Hydraulink is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Hydraulink has also aligned itself with world leading manufacturers of hose and fittings and are the only New Zealand hose and fittings manufacturing business to support its own award winning testing facility. If you are involved in mining, agriculture, transport, forestry, the marine industry or any industry that needs fast, effective and reliable hose and hydraulic services - we can help you get the job done no matter how much pressure you're under. When the nature of your business demands efficient, highly skilled field service technicians, Hydraulink are there, to get your machinery up and running in minimal time. We are best under pressure, 24/7!

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People working at Hydraulink Fluid Connectors Ltd
Chris Cox
National Sales and Marketing Manager
Auckland, New Zealand
Vinu Raghunath
Purchasing and logistics officer
Auckland, New Zealand
Scott Fitzgerald
Branch Manager Hydraulink Australia Newcastle /Area Sales Manager
Auckland, New Zealand
Tom Warren
Group IT Project Manager
Auckland, New Zealand
Kimberley Holt
Marketing Specialist
Auckland, New Zealand
Peter Thomson
Owner/Director Hydraulink Logan City
Auckland, New Zealand
Julian Bennett
National Operations Manager
Auckland, New Zealand
David Westbury
Cloncurry Branch Manager
Murray Allen
Industrail Manager Sales & Service
Auckland, New Zealand
Jake Milne
Area Sales Manager
Auckland, New Zealand
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