Hypersonnel ltd from Hadas Harel group

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HyPersonnel provides a hands-on boutique approach to IT consulting, recruitment, and placement. We discover and deliver quality employees for the hi-tech, IT, medical, and finance industries. Our global and Israeli clientele covers the spectrum from start-ups to corporations and includes consulting companies in the fields of project management, RFI/RFP, product launch, and project life-cycle support. HyPersonnel provides—efficiently and personally—the assistance and guidance required to find the right person for your open position. Our expertise in the many-faceted technology industry, extensive professional networks, and our "boutique" approach come together to offer you the best candidate—the perfect fit for your employment needs and company profile. חברת היפרסונל Contact us: 052-2824838 Hadash@hadasharel.co.il Hadas Harel

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People working at Hypersonnel ltd from Hadas Harel group
Hadas Harel
Hadera, Haifa District, Israel
Yaara Nowitz Bachar
Information Technology Recruiter
Hadera, Haifa District, Israel
Gal Malka
Sourcing & Technical Recruiter at Hypersonnel ltd from Hadas Harel group
Hadera, Haifa District, Israel
Yuval Dagan
Technical Recruiter
Hadera, Haifa District, Israel
Aline Greenberg
HR Recruiter
Hadera, Haifa District, Israel
amit faragi
Technological recrutter at Hypersonnel
Hadera, Haifa District, Israel
Lotem Solodoch Lasch
Information Technology Recruiter at Hypersonnel ltd from Hadas Harel group
Hadera, Haifa District, Israel
lee hodeda
Information Technology Recruiter
Sharon Gat-Levin
Hadera, Haifa District, Israel
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