Iceland Space Agency

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The mission of the ISA is to facilitate research and coordinate operational logistics between foreign organizations, and domestic enterprise as they relate to and are interested in the fields of space/earth science , exploration , research , and business in and around the country of Iceland. Geimvísindastofnun Íslands ehf.

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People working at Iceland Space Agency
Daniel Leeb
Executive Mission Director
Reykjavík, Capital Region, Iceland
Matthew D.
Logistics, Research & Sustainability Support
Reykjavík, Capital Region, Iceland
Finnegan Sougioultzoglou
Business Development Support
Reykjavík, Capital Region, Iceland
Sigurdur Evert Armannsson
Senior Project Manager
Reykjavík, Capital Region, Iceland
Gunnar Gudjosson
Opperation maneger
Reykjavík, Capital Region, Iceland
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