iComex London Limited
Consulting Group Specialized in creating global economic connections to increase business opportunities for Argentinean and UK Business. iComex Group works together with companies that want to grow in Argentina, providing consultancy, information and facilitation services. We help investors and exporters understand the opportunities, identify the obstacles faced when investing and exporting, and efficiently navigate the investment and export processes. The Investment Promotion team promotes Argentina as an investment destination, highlighting specific opportunities in key sectors; provides information on the country's economic situation and regulatory framework; and assists investors throughout the entire investment process, from finding the opportunities to executing the projects. Our Global team develops and implements a comprehensive program to help Argentine SMEs export and expand their business internationally. We provide consulting services, education and training, assistance to streamline processes, trade information and promotion activities (including international fairs, business roundtables, trade missions and positioning events).
- website: http://www.icomex.org
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/icomex-london-limited