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IDFIX is a European patent, that provide users with an digital identity held on an external media such as a USB key or an SD memory, that includes an X509 electronic signature,it provides core identity services to simplify the implementation of transparent single sign-on (SSO) as a security component in a network infrastructure, wether it is over internet, extranet or intranet. one ID for each user not tow like a domaine name on the internet, the ISP is a producer of an IDFIX the user is a holder, no other ISP can provides another IIDFIX to the same user, but user as the owner can tranfer his IDFIX to an other ISP, fiirst ISP providing IDFIX is first serve etc..this is why IDFIX is a great patent that provides ISP with new revenues, prodides users use new security and ease of use.

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Line 1: 75007, FR
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