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ifips Institut für intelligente Produktionssysteme gGmbH
Collaboration is intelligence. ifips gGmbH is a pro bono think tank that is dedicated to initiate, reflect, enrich and spread ideas in the context of the intelligence of future production systems. The goal is to use collective intelligence among businesses, research institutes and individuals to plant stimulating impulses in new, fertile soil. If harvested we will be able to continually scrutinize the intelligence of future production systems. If you want to become a planter, grower and/or harvester in one of our focus areas, feel free to contact us.
- website: http://www.ifips.de
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/ifips
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People working at ifips Institut für intelligente Produktionssysteme gGmbH
Dr.-Ing. Simon Fochler
CEO & Co-Founder
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Dr. Jonas Wullbrandt
CEO & Co-Founder
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
You can find 2 people working at ifips Institut für intelligente Produktionssysteme gGmbH on FinalScout. Create a free account to view details including email addresses.
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