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iHOPE is an Australian based not-for-profit organisation that raising funds for the education of the orphans and widows in South Sudan. We believe in human dignity, self-reliance and inclusiveness. Since 1956, South Sudan has witnessed countless armed violent fuelled by different cultures, political ideologies and tribalism, aggravated largely by illiteracy. Following succession, South Sudan broke away with an overwhelming uneducated or uninformed sixty-four (64) tribes hoping that breaking up Sudan would bring the culture of wars to some sort of conclusion. Unfortunately, that hope was dashed in December 2013, when the top leadership felt out, leading to a fresh new civil war, being fought along tribal line. Ten of thousands were mercilessly killed and more others are perishing on daily basis. Obviously, the country's six (64) tribes have never lived together as a nation, so it is no surprise seeing this young nation falling apart. Like all other African nations, South Sudanese politicians are manipulating both the existing tribal tendencies and lack of formal education among the population purposely to mislead and to incite armed violent. These renewed armed violent are producing an un-imaginable defenceless and vulnerable groups including widows and orphans. iHOPE aims to alleviate their suffering through integrated approaches. iHOPE will initially focus on an inclusive education and training for the orphans and widows. Our initial plan is to sponsor three primary school children during the first half of 2017. We have already identified these children and we are coordinating with their parents which country either Kenya or Uganda would be best for their schooling. Ideally, iHOPE hopes to restore hope, unity, peace and harmony among South Sudanese through education. Experience tells that educated people approach challenges in logical and patient manner.

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People working at iHOPE
Deng Bul
Jingili, Northern Territory, Australia
Kayla Benner
Jingili, Northern Territory, Australia
Lareesha Peters
Jingili, Northern Territory, Australia
Arnold Borrero
Buzzer ,cook
Jingili, Northern Territory, Australia
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