Illicit Trade Group

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The Illicit Trade Group (ITG) is an interdisciplinary research environment formed by a group of researchers, professors, experts and students working at the University of Groningen, under Globalisation Studies Groningen (GSG). Our goal is to create a university-wide debate on topics related to illicit trade, by creating the conditions for academic cross-fertilization in a research area that is fundamentally interdisciplinary. We host a Summer School and a Winter School on Illicit Trade in cooperation with UNICRI. Visit our website (https://illicittrade.org/education-overview) for more information. ITG Aims to: - Contribute to a better understanding of illicit trade, the dark side of globalization - Create an environment in which students, researchers and practitioners can investigate the causes, challenges and solutions to illicit trade practices. - Provide and facilitate the dissemination of research findings and evidence on illicit trade and related security issues. - Foster a university-wide discussion on a broad range of themes that can feed directly the discussions on creating a sustainable global society and contributing to improved healthy ageing.

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People working at Illicit Trade Group
Jason C.
Instructor - Illicit Trade
Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
Francesco Giumelli
Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
Rodrigo Marambio Molina
Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
Francesca Chiovenda
Project Manager
Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
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