IME - Interactive Media & Entertainment GmbH

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IME was founded in 2006 as a research institute and consulting firm at university BiTS. In 2013 IME transformed into a global consulting company and content agency for the Online and Mobile Games industry, serving as a one-stop gateway between Asia and Western markets. On behalf of Western publishers IME is in-licensing F2P mobile and PC Core MMOGs for exclusive publishing and non-exclusive distribution (channeling). We are also out-licensing content by numerous European developers to Russia and Asia. We further provide the following consulting services: - Game Design and Monetization for Free 2 Play Online and Mobile Games - Localized Product and Community Management incl. Customer Support - Business Development and Licensing - Market entry strategy development In 2014 IME bundled and extended its B2B publishing services for developers who wish to self-publish in the European market but require assistance. For "Cultures Online" and "Asterix & Friends" we currently provide all the ressources a local publishing team would provide while user aquisition / payment is handled by third parties, e.g. our strategic partner gamigo. Current customers of IME include Conversis Technologies, MobileBits, Cliffhanger Productions, Funatics Software, Sproing, Computec Media, Bytro Labs, Playa Games, OnsOn Soft, iLogos, Deutsche Telekom AG, delasocial and 8elements.

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computer games
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People working at IME - Interactive Media & Entertainment GmbH
Thomas Schöltzel
Chief Operating Officer
Patrick Streppel
Founder and CEO
Marc Dörseln
Sarah Lindhorst
Community Management & Localization
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