Improvements Catalog

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Improvements has thousands of easy-to-use products for home organization, home repair and maintenance, cleaning, gardening, inexpensive home decor, outdoor furniture and more! Many items are uniquely engineered by our own in-house product-design staff! Check us out for home storage ideas and easy diy projects for the entire home. Improvements Catalog started in Cleveland, Ohio, as a spin-off of Leichtung Workshops, a specialty marketer that sold tools to both amateur and professional woodworkers for over 18 years. The routers and clamps sold well, but customers started asking for more. They wanted quick and easy ways to improve all aspects of their homes, without having to hire expensive professionals. And so, in 1992, the Improvements Catalog was born. Using the tag line "Do It Yourself and Save"​, Improvements quickly established itself as a helpful and affordable resource for budget-conscious homeowners. Over the years, Improvements has evolved and expanded - thanks to you, our customers. By responding to your changing wants and needs, we've been able to offer the products that really work for you. Our merchandising team partners with suppliers both in the US and abroad, and if we can’t find the right item for you, we design it ourselves.

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Improvements Catalog's headquarter address
Line 1: 16501 rockside road, maple heights, ohio 44137, us
Line 2: 16501 Rockside Rd
Improvements Catalog's industries
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home improvement catalog storage ideas home organization unique home decor outdoor furniture gardening products diy home repair pet products
People working at Improvements Catalog
Charlie Pellenberg
Maple Heights, Ohio, United States
Sue Cangelosi
Project And Process Manager
Maple Heights, Ohio, United States
Vicki Vance
Maple Heights, Ohio, United States
Sharon Kives
Director- HR/OPS
Maple Heights, Ohio, United States
Paula Tice
Marketing Director
Maple Heights, Ohio, United States
Dennis Chef
Maple Heights, Ohio, United States
Mary Jo Grendell
Database Marketing Manager
Maple Heights, Ohio, United States
Doug Dever
VP Finance & Operations
Maple Heights, Ohio, United States
David Smith
Digital Commerce Operations Manager
Maple Heights, Ohio, United States
Cassandra Williams
Asst. Buyer
Maple Heights, Ohio, United States
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