INCENT Valuation
In a constantly changing economic world, reliable information is often difficult to obtain. INCENT valuation provides in-depth knowledge and expertise to companies at all key steps of their life and in every decision-making processes: merger / acquisition, business divestiture, restructuring or transformation, investment projects, operations between shareholders, etc. The success of such projects highly relies on the relevance of the valuation of assets, liabilities and synergies. INCENT Valuation offers its clients services in : FINANCIAL VALUATION (Companies, groups or start-ups valuation ▪ Intangible assets and intellectual property valuation ▪ Financial incentive plan (management packages) and complex financial clauses or instruments valuation ▪ Financial modelling ▪ Purchase Price Allocation and impairment tests ▪ Independent expertise or consultancy) CONTINGENT ASSISTANCE & LITIGATION (▪ Economic analysis for transfer pricing securing ▪ Arbitration procedures ▪ Anti-competitive practices ▪ Commercial litigation ▪ Intellectual property ▪ Mergers, acquisitions and LBOs)
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