Independent BEMER Distributor
BEMER Physical Vascular Therapy has been known to support the body's regeneration and rehabilitation processes by improving blood flow in the smallest blood vessels. An unhealthy lifestyle can make it difficult for blood cells to adequately fulfill their tasks and result in deficient supply to vital tissues and organs. This, in turn, can lead to a decline in the quality of a person's physical and mental health as well as greater susceptibility to diseases. BEMER Therapy can "counteract" this in a "naturally limiting framework" using electromagnetically transmitted signals that "renormalizes blood flow" in the targeted area. It can help boost the immune system, improve the body's ability to fight off infection, enhance physical and mental performance, and minimize the negative effects of stress and burnout. Professional sports teams also use BEMER as part of high-performance therapy because it promotes "faster regeneration" particularly in cases of minor injuries. By Dr. Thomas Lodi, #bloodflow #microcirculation #BEMER