Influencity - Influencer Marketing Platform

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The most completed AI-powered Influencer Marketing platform for worldwide brands and agencies, with a full stack of solutions to manage and optimize influencer campaigns at scale. It is the platform of choice for companies like Johnson & Johnson, Nestlé, Havas Media, Samsung, Ogilvy, and others.

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Influencity - Influencer Marketing Platform's headquarter address
Line 1: 12 calle del príncipe carlos, madrid, community of madrid, spain
Line 2: 12 Calle del Príncipe Carlos
Influencity - Influencer Marketing Platform's industries
marketing & advertising
Influencity - Influencer Marketing Platform's technology
Amazon AWS Amazon SES Gmail Google Apps Google Font API Google Tag Manager Hubspot Mixpanel Mobile Friendly Netlify Nginx React Route 53 Segment.io Stripe Ubuntu WordPress.org
People working at Influencity - Influencer Marketing Platform
Daniel Sánchez
Co-founder & CEO
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Dan Tabaran
Head Of Marketing
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Pablo Seijo
Sales Director
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Juan Carlos Palacios
Chief Technical Officer
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Alejandro Manuel Concejero Muñoz
Strategy Director VP Sales
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Ana García Casado
Chief Product Officer
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Alex Cejudo
Head of Product & Product Design Lead
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Teodoro Ortiz de Artiñano
Manager of Sales
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Lidia López Ruiz
Office Manager
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Joaquín Rial
Sales Development Representative
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
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