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Informeleon LifeScience Informatics
Informeleon is an IT company which primarily focuses on custom software development of systems specific to biobanks, laboratories and institutions of personalized medicine. These fields are steadily and dynamically growing, and there is a great need for custom software that can address and offer comprehensive solutions to the typical problems facing a biobank or a biorepository, such as inventory management, preprocessing and changing studies. Informeleon excels with a holistic approach. Do you have a biobank or laboratory in Germany or anywhere in the GermanyAustriaSwitzerland region? Visit our website, contact us and we will be your professional software partner for doing you project.
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People working at Informeleon LifeScience Informatics
Dr. Timo Schüler
Sulzheim, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Karina Bley
Chief Operating Officer
Sulzheim, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Alexa Machemer
Marketing und Kreativmanagement bei Informeleon
Sulzheim, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
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