Inpleo, Inc.

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Inpleo offers an enterprise artificial intelligence-driven procurement platform that helps match buyers and vendors in a reverse auction setting with numerous controls and analytics. Custom implementations are provided free of charge, and data analytics are provided live for customized metrics. Secured by 256-bit encryption and multi-level access, Inpleo offers a state-of-the-art system at a minimal financial footprint. Inpleo is currently compatible with most versions of Oracle, SAP, and IBM databases, and offers a complimentary data warehousing option for clients utilizing the procurement platform. Inpleo also offers a broad-range of design-build projects based on the advanced artificial intelligence machine, including financial risk management, asset management, logistical analyses, accounts payable modules, and other specified systems.

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Inpleo, Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 6901 lynn way, pittsburgh, pennsylvania, united states
Line 2: 6901 Lynn Way
Inpleo, Inc.'s industries
information technology & services
Inpleo, Inc.'s technology
Amazon AWS Apache Google Font API Google Maps Mobile Friendly Outlook Varnish WordPress.org
People working at Inpleo, Inc.
Tyler Carraway
Executive VP of IT
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Joe Swider
Strategic Advisor
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Naassih Gopee
CTO & Co-founder
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Brian Jeon
Chairman & CEO
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Orly Olbum
Executive VP of Data Science
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Frederick Connelly Thieman
General Counsel
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Nicholas Grapsas
Chief Of Staff
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Samul Shrestha
Senior Software Engineer
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
John Mikhail
Chief of UI/UX
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Aayush Karki
Senior Software Engineer
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
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