InStaff & Jobs GmbH

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InStaff connects employers with qualified employees for temporary jobs online. Companies can request, manage, contact and book over 50,000 employees from the service / catering, trade fair, promotion, retail, customer support / sales and many other sectors for short-term work via our self-developed online platform. InStaff is characterized by a self-developed, easy-to-use platform with very efficient processes, a stringent quality management, a transparent pricing via marketplace mechanisms and the legal security through the unlimited permission for temporary employee leasing. If you still have questions, you can reach our customer service 7 days a week from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. by e-mail and phone.

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Email addresses
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InStaff & Jobs GmbH's headquarter address
Line 1: 11 markgrafenstraße, berlin, berlin, germany
Line 2: 11 Markgrafenstraße
InStaff & Jobs GmbH's industries
staffing & recruiting
InStaff & Jobs GmbH's technology
Apache Bootstrap Framework Ekomi Gmail Google Apps Google Play Mobile Friendly YouTube
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