Intercel Energie BV

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Intercel ensures quality. Being the specialist in the field of advising, delivery, installation and maintenance of sealed (stationary) battery- and UPS-systems Intercel occupies a central place in the market of emergency power systems. Furthermore we deliver battery packs, battery chargers, battery testers, power supplies, inverters / converters and all other imaginable accessories and tools to a wide and varied customer segment, such as the industry- and energy sector, the rehabilitation branch and the government, besides of course the installation branch and the electrotechnical wholesale trade.

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Intercel Energie BV's headquarter address
Line 1: waarderveldweg 3, haarlem, netherlands, 2031 bk
Line 2: 3 Waarderveldweg
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People working at Intercel Energie BV
Bart-Jan van der Jagt
Managing Director
Haarlem, North Holland, Netherlands
Vincent Kleintjens
Haarlem, North Holland, Netherlands
Dirk van Gogswaardt
Business Development Manager
Haarlem, North Holland, Netherlands
Maaike Agricola
HR & Recruitment a.i.
Haarlem, North Holland, Netherlands
Jauke van der Steeg
Commercieel Manager
Haarlem, North Holland, Netherlands
Diek Wechgelaar
Technisch Operationeel Manager
Haarlem, North Holland, Netherlands
Olaf Veldmaat
Manager Operations
Haarlem, North Holland, Netherlands
Laurens Priester
Technical sales consultant
Haarlem, North Holland, Netherlands
Stacey Prinsen
Marketing & Communicatie
Haarlem, North Holland, Netherlands
Robert Hindriks
Project Manager
Haarlem, North Holland, Netherlands
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