International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science, University of Gdansk

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The International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science (ICCVS) project is carried out within the International Research Agendas programme of the Foundation for Polish Science and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund. Authors: Ted Hupp and Robin Fahraeus Financial support from UE funds: 41 109 030,00 PLN Project location: The University of Gdańsk (Gdańsk, Poland) Foreign strategic partner: The University of Edinburgh (Edinburgh, UK) Project aim: Comprehensive research into immunotherapies that could lead to the creation of personalized therapeutic cancer vaccines, followed by their commercialization and implementation into clinical practice. The main focus is research of molecular mechanisms in cancer immunology. The programme supports the development of new cancer vaccines therapies by providing a better understanding of oncogenic processes and their effects on immune surveillance and the elimination of transformed cells. Currently we have six inter-disciplinary teams with different research themes: Neoantigen Science Immunology Veterinary Science Mass Spectrometry Computational Science Cancer-Immune Synapse and Therapeutics This sets the tone for developing a globally-minded, forward-looking, and internationally collaborative research center. Accordingly, ICCVS has attracted a highly skilled and motivated international team of post-doctoral scientists.

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Line 1: gdańsk, woj. pomorskie
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People working at International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science, University of Gdansk
Sachin Kote
Team Leader of Clinical Peptidomics Group
Gdańsk, Pomorskie, Poland
James Clark
International Scientific Advisory Board
Gdańsk, Pomorskie, Poland
Izabela Raszczyk
Director of Administration
Gdańsk, Pomorskie, Poland
Malgorzata Lisowska
Postdoctoral Research Fellow and a team leader
Gdańsk, Pomorskie, Poland
Umesh Kalathiya
Principal Investigator
Gdańsk, Pomorskie, Poland
Emilia Daghir-Wojtkowiak
Postdoctoral Researcher
Gdańsk, Pomorskie, Poland
Irena Dapic
Group Lead
Artur Piróg
Postdoctoral Fellow
Gdańsk, Pomorskie, Poland
Zuzanna Trybala
Research Staff
Gdańsk, Pomorskie, Poland
Katarzyna Dziubek
Researcher PhD Student
Gdańsk, Pomorskie, Poland
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