International Metal Platform AG

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A neutral b2b marketplace for the spot trading of ferro-alloys, noble alloys and minor metals with total trader anonymity. Built by the industry for the industry, IMP brings for the first time, accurate and timely price discovery and transparent regional price references for physically delivered metal on an In Warehouse basis conforming to industry standard contract specifications. IMP presents a new forum for spot trading that allows users to take or offset price risk, while protected within a trusted community of participants screened and onboarded against leading standards in KYC and compliance monitoring checks, with post trade payment settled via an industry recognised and established bank. Designed by experienced industry partners, using modern matching engine technology, IMP has been intelligently constructed to immediately benefit users from game changing developments in international commercial legislation that will, for the first time, recognise Digital Warehouse Receipts as legal documents of title.

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financial services
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Amazon AWS Apache Google Font API Mobile Friendly Outlook Route 53 WordPress.org
People working at International Metal Platform AG
Udo Klein
Chief Executive Officer
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Graham Hawkins
Chief Operating Officer
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Cersten Gerd Buro
Shareholding Partner & Advisor
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Freelance Consultant .Entrepreneur .Commodity Advisor
James Farkas
Head of Corporate & Trade Finance Digital Solutions
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
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