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Investment Management Corporation of Ontario (IMCO)
The Investment Management Corporation of Ontario (IMCO) manages $79 billion of assets on behalf of its clients. IMCO's mandate is to provide broader public sector institutions with investment management services, including portfolio construction advice, better access to a diverse range of asset classes and sophisticated risk management capabilities. IMCO is an independent organization, operating at arm's length from government and guided by a highly experienced and professional Board of Directors.
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Investment Management Corporation of Ontario (IMCO)'s headquarter address
Line 1:
16 York Street, Suite 2400, Toronto, Ontario M5J 0E6, CA
Line 2:
16 York St
Investment Management Corporation of Ontario (IMCO)'s industries
financial services
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People working at Investment Management Corporation of Ontario (IMCO)
David Hosey
Senior Director, Cybersecurity & Technologies Services
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Thomas Robson, MSc.
Manager, Business Development
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Neb Dostic
Director, Enterprise and Corporate Applications
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Karina Sidhu
Chief Technology Officer
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Raneet Aggarwal, CA CFA
Chief Financial Officer
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Andrea Martin CPA, CMA
Director, Financial Planning & Analysis
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Jackie (Jacqueline) Moss LLB, ICD.D, GCB.D
Corporate Board Member and Chair of HR Committee
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Victor Aguiar
Senior Manager, Data Vendor Management
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Ben De Prisco
Chief Risk Officer
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Matthew Mendes
Managing Director, Head of Infrastructure
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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