ITT Inc.

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At ITT, we have a clear purpose as an organization – to provide our customers with cutting-edge solutions to help solve their most critical needs across key global end markets. Our continuous improvement mindset drives our commitment to evolving our capabilities as a multi-industrial technology, manufacturing and engineering leader. With a strong global footprint of more than 100 facilities, we are well positioned to solve critical challenges for our customers around the world. Our locations include manufacturing facilities and global service capabilities in 35 countries. Through these worldwide operations and building on our heritage of innovation, our approximately 10,000 team members partner with our customers to deliver enduring solutions that make a lasting difference and help the world move forward. ITT is headquartered in Stamford, CT, with sales in approximately 125 countries. The company generated 2022 revenues of $3 billion. Motion Technologies: (Revenue of $1.4B; headcount of 4,700; operates in 13 countries) manufactures brake components and specialized sealing solutions, shock absorbers and damping technologies primarily for the global automotive, truck and trailer, public bus and rail transportation markets. Industrial Process: (Revenue of $1.0B; headcount of 2,800; operates in 30 countries) manufactures engineered fluid process equipment serving a diversified mix of customers in global industries such as chemical, energy, mining, and other industrial process markets and is a provider of plant optimization and efficiency solutions and aftermarket services and parts. Connect and Control Technologies: (Revenue of $0.6B; headcount of 2,700; operates in 10 countries) manufactures harsh-environment connector solutions, critical energy absorption, flow control components, and composite materials for the aerospace and defense, general industrial, medical, and energy markets.

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ITT Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 100 Washington Blvd, Stamford, Connecticut 06902, US
Line 2: 100 Washington Blvd
ITT Inc.'s industries
Industrial Machinery Manufacturing
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People working at ITT Inc.
Fabio F. Pessoa, PMP
Chief Information Officer
Stamford, Connecticut, United States
David Williams
Cyber Security Operations Center Manager | Cyber Security Analyst III
Stamford, Connecticut, United States
Temeka White, MBA
Group Director, Supply Chain Aerospace
Stamford, Connecticut, United States
Jay Crum
IoT Regional Account Executive - i-Alert Monitoring Platform
Stamford, Connecticut, United States
Sabrina Soussan
Member of the Board of Directors
Stamford, Connecticut, United States
Frank Mangano
Executive Director, IT Strategy, Governance & Program Mgmt.
Stamford, Connecticut, United States
Rachit Gandhi
Head of Information Technology Operations
Stamford, Connecticut, United States
Anna Fontanella, MBA, CPA
Executive Director & CFO
Stamford, Connecticut, United States
Wuermeling, Bernhard
Managing Director
Stamford, Connecticut, United States
Dean Williams
Director Of Engineering
Stamford, Connecticut, United States
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