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Step Up To Serve is a charity set up to promote practical action by young people in the service of others. We run the #iwill campaign, a cross-sector, multi-party campaign, which aims to make social action part of life for as many 10 to 20 year-olds as possible by the year 2020. Through collaboration and partnership we are spreading the word about the benefits of youth social action, working to embed it in the journey of young people and creating fresh opportunities for their participation. There are lots of ways people can get involved in either supporting or taking part in youth social action. Already the campaign has inspired significant commitment from a broad range of sources. So far more than 300 business, education, public and voluntary sector supporters have made tangible #iwill pledges to increase youth social action. View the pledges, and more information, at www.iwill.org.uk/iwill-pledges

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#iwill's headquarter address
Line 1: 52 horseferry road, 3rd floor, london, london sw1p 2af, gb
Line 2: 52 Horseferry Road
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People working at #iwill
Esther Akpovi FRSA
London, England, United Kingdom
Tessy Ojo CBE
London, England, United Kingdom
Holly Notcutt
Coordination Hub
London, England, United Kingdom
Stephen Skeet
Coordination Hub
London, England, United Kingdom
💫 Lella Violet Halloum
Co-Founder & Host of the "Conversations For Change" Podcast
London, England, United Kingdom
Mhairi McCann
#iwill Ambassador
London, England, United Kingdom
Dame Julia Cleverdon DCVO, CBE
Co-Founder and Co chair partnership board
London, England, United Kingdom
Haris Sultan
Member of the Health and Social Care Steering Group
London, England, United Kingdom
Katrina Lambert BEM
London, England, United Kingdom
Amal M.
#iwill Ambassador
London, England, United Kingdom
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