Jason Mitchell Group

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Ranked as America's #1 Real Estate Team, The Jason Mitchell Group (JMG) is the most trusted referral source in the industry and serves powerhouse companies like Quicken Loans, Zillow, Rocket Homes, New American Funding, Bank of America, Veterans United, and many more. Established in 2006, JMG has achieved over $11 billion dollars in sales and over 24,000 transactions. Today, over 90% of its business comes through referrals from its trusted partners. "It's our mission to not only have the most talented professionals in marketing assisting our clients but to also continue utilizing the best technology and processes for everyone we serve;" says Jason Mitchell. Located in 26 states across the U.S., The Jason Mitchell Group has become the #1 Real Estate Team in the country. Jason Mitchell has won numerous awards, including the 2019 RISMedia National Homeownership Award and Arizona Most Influential Millennial. He's been awarded the Top Producing Agent in the State of Arizona for 3 consecutive years and has been seen on BRAVO, HGTV, FOX NEWS, and published in the Wall Street Journal and Forbes.com.

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Jason Mitchell Group's headquarter address
Line 1: 8120 hayden road e-105, scottsdale, az 85258, estados unidos
Line 2: 8120 North Hayden Road
Jason Mitchell Group's industries
real estate
People working at Jason Mitchell Group
Jason Mitchell
Anna Nygren
Marketing Director
Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
Laura Clark
Executive Director of Recruiting Operations
Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
Terry Pickering
Executive Sales Consultant
Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
Malivanh Peterson
Director of Communications
Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
Clint Coonfer
Senior VP of Project Management
Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
Mike Parkinson
Utah & Idaho Division President/ Realtor
Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
Brianna Sander
Real Estate Agent
Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
Jennifer Yauch
Real Estate Agent
Roger Russaw
Executive Sales Consultant
Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
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