集度是一家由百度和吉利发起投资成立的科技型汽车创业公司,于2021年3月正式成立,由夏一平担任CEO。总部设立在中国上海,同时在北京设立了全球软件研发中心。 集度致力于打造极具人性理念,由深度人工智能技术驱动、可自我进化的聪明的汽车。优异的人机交互体验和可支持L4自动驾驶能力是我们的核心产品力。我们深信科技一定会让生活更美好! "集度"这个名字来源于AI算法,释义为"集百度AI能力之大成"!我们承诺,在三年内推出首款具有L4自动驾驶能力的智能汽车并向用户进行交付。 集度欢迎来自各类行业、具有不同背景的的人才加入!多元的文化,开放坦诚,保持好奇心是我们的理念。 只要你认同我们的理念和目标,并聚焦于极致的产品体验,欢迎来和我们聊一聊。 JiDU is a technology-based startup company backed by China's search engine giant Baidu and Chinese automaker Geely Holding. Officially established in March 2021, the company is led by CEO Xia Yiping. JiDU is headquartered in Shanghai, China, and its global software research and development center in Beijing. The company's mission is to create and design a human-centric, smart robotic vehicle driven by advanced AI technology with the innate ability to learn and progress while delivering superior autonomous driving capability. The name "JiDU" from the AI algorithm, means "a great achievement through Baidu's AI capabilities"! We promise to launch and deliver the first level 4 autonomous driving smart EV to users within three years. We are inviting diverse talents from all backgrounds around the world, in all kinds of industries to join us on our mission. We believe in an open, honest and diverse culture that encourages us all to remain forever curious. If you share our ideas and vision. Contact us and join the JiDU family on our journey together to create the ultimate product experience!
- website: http://www.jidu.cn
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/jidu-robocar-company