JKS Soft Tech
To carry on business of consultancy, Project initiation, development and implementation in the field of information technology and software development in all its forms and perspectives and to undertake all such activities as are connected, linked or associated with software development, Support and ,Recruitment and other related services. Focus more on the latest technologies in the field of Enterprise Architecture and integrations and cloud technologies. Carry on the business of providing Manpower placement and recruiting, Selecting, Interviewing, Training and Employing the executives, Middle Management Staff, Junior Level Staff, Skilled/Unskilled required by various divisions in the organization and to provide consultancy and other services in connection with requirement of manpower supply in India and abroad. To act as management consultant and render engineering, technical management and other skilled and other services to all types of industry or organisations in India or abroad including for IT Consulting, Technology, outsourcing and for the in-house project development and delivery. For any info or queries, Please reach us at info@jkssofttech.com
- website: http://www.jkssofttech.com
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/jkssofttech