Jordanian Royal Medical Services

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Jordanian Royal Medical Services (JRMS) The great medical institute that was established in 1941 starting with one Doctor and one medical vehicle, is now containing more than 3000 doctors, 5000 nurses, pharmacists and other technicians in all medical fields, working side by side with administrative professional personnel. JRMS is a well-known center for research and achievements in all medical and surgical fields, containing tens of hospitals, field hospitals and medical centers that are equipped with the newest devices, machines and instruments along with well-trained human resources, distributed in all cities and areas of Jordan, providing medical service to 38% of the population. JRMS contains all major medical and surgical specialties, and plenty of sub specialties that are capable to deal with almost all cases, and able to provide the most recent and professional interventions and operations with very high standards that made it one of the most important medical centers in Middle East and the whole world, keeping in mind that King Hussein Medical City is considered a referral tertiary hospital that receive and deal with the most difficult cases referred from other national medical sectors or other nearby countries. In addition to that JRMS has been always among the first responders to give help to the people of other countries that suffered from the effects of wars or other natural disasters, either by individual participation from theJRMS itself, or in collaboration with the UN as part of peacekeeping forces.

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People working at Jordanian Royal Medical Services
Mahmoud Al quran
General surgery specialist
Sweileh, Amman, Jordan
Sanad Alhallaq
endodontics specialist
Sweileh, Amman, Jordan
Shehab Al-Abed
Medical Retina Senior Specialist
Akram Al-Ibraheem MD أكرم نايف الابراهيم
Duaa Dabbas
Medical Doctor
Sweileh, Amman, Jordan
Basil Kaabneh
Resident Physician
Sweileh, Amman, Jordan
Marah Himsi
Orthodontics Resident
Sweileh, Amman, Jordan
Hiam E.
Conferences Office Administrator / Plans Officer
Majed Sarayrah
Consultant Pediatric Surgeon
Laith Al-Jarrah
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