JRpros LLC

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JR Pros LLC is full creative service production & wardrobe styling company dedicated to intertwining design mediums of Art, Fashion, and Luxury lifestyle platforms for the greater good. Our full range of services includes: Public Relations, Event Design & Marketing that translates the energy, passion, and creative drive behind an artistic movement into tangible marketable products and services. Comprised of talented and seasoned professionals, our combined experiences answers challenges with discipline that focuses on brand awareness, and customized experiences. With the integration of philanthropic endeavors that harness the power of creativity and imagination to e an instrument of change. JR Pros LLC is aimed in developing a sustainable global platform that ensures our partners to become co-participants of our cultural and social ventures through a memorable and stimulating expressive. Rosy Muto's creative cauldron of work is an embodiment of event production such as fashion shows, wardrobe styling, TV host personality, art director, and most importantly a mentor to her students. Founder of WE HOLD THE "G", she empowers others to find the Genius within themselves. Ephithet, JUST ROSY, chaperons a vision that commands the stage with her charm, presence, and know how.

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Line 1: boca raton, florida, united states
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People working at JRpros LLC
Rosy M.
Director of Creative Development
Cristian Bueno
Wardrobe Stylist
Karen Sprague
Project Coordinator
Boca Raton, Florida, United States
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