
Julian Campbell Foundation (JCF)

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Julian Campbell Foundation (JCF) is a charity that supports children and young people suffering from any type of undiagnosed mental distress. At the heart of our charity we provide training to professionals to support children and young people with mood management. Our flagship courses are our teacher training programmes and our mentoring programmes which provide support to identify what the young person is dealing with so we can empower and enable them to manage their moods. Currently in our schools nationwide, 39% teaching staff have mental health training and can identify the 20% to 30% young people suffering from mental distress in our schools. This leaves the majority of teachers and non teaching staff uninformed about what it actually looks like when young people are dealing with mental difficulties. To promote mental health and well-being in our society, early identification and management is crucial.

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Julian Campbell Foundation (JCF)'s headquarter address
Line 1: 120 high road, east finchley, london, enfield n2 9ed, gb
Line 2: 120 High Road
Julian Campbell Foundation (JCF)'s industries
mental health care
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People working at Julian Campbell Foundation (JCF)
Jacqueline Campbell - Youth Mental Health Expert
Book Author
London, England, United Kingdom
Mark Johnston
London, England, United Kingdom
Caroline Davies
Youth Mentor
London, England, United Kingdom
Chris Harward
International Ambassador for Julian Campbell Foundation
London, England, United Kingdom
Nadiya Willington
London, England, United Kingdom
Rebecca Slaven, ACMA
Mentor (Volunteer)
London, England, United Kingdom
Yuko Morovsky
Mentor, research assistant
Jamie Cooperman
Lead Mentor
London, England, United Kingdom
Richard Pace
Facilities Manager - Volunteer
Munira U.
Mental Health Mentor
London, England, United Kingdom
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