Jus Adventures Travel Services

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Jus Adventures Travel Services is a New York-based, full-service travel agency that offers professional, world-wide travel experiences. Our Travel Advisors have extensive knowledge in the travel industry, specializing in leisure travel, destination weddings, honeymoons, group travel, and corporate meetings & incentives. Jus Adventures' is a proud member of The Ensemble Travel Group; an organization of top travel advisors and the finest travel providers around the world. As a result of these strong relationships with distinctive hotels and tour operators and cruise lines, our clients are entitled to exclusive privileges. Privileges like room upgrades, special VIP service amenities, availability to exclusive venues and in many cases exclusive pricing. These relationships also extend to giving clients access to breathtaking villas and exclusive private residences.

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Jus Adventures Travel Services's headquarter address
Line 1: 105 maxess rd, suite 124, melville, ny 11747, us
Line 2: 105 Maxess Rd
Jus Adventures Travel Services's industries
leisure, travel & tourism
Jus Adventures Travel Services's technology
Amazon AWS Google Analytics Microsoft Office 365 Nginx Outlook Paypal
People working at Jus Adventures Travel Services
Samantha Hammond
Melville, New York, United States
Debralee Lebron
Chief Operations Officer
Melville, New York, United States
Susan Schmitt
Support Specialist
Melville, New York, United States
Elizabeth Brannon
Travel Agent
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