Karthik Consulting

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Karthik Consulting (KC) is a CMMI-DEV Maturity Level 3 rated, ISO 9001, 27001, and 20000-1 registered, and SBA 8(a) certified IT consulting firm. The vision of KC is to bring the innovation, passion, and agility of the commercial IT industry to meet the unique challenges of the government. Whether you are looking for someone to: help develop your IT strategy; assess a problem and recommend solutions; resolve a particular systems integration challenge; implement Agile software development; or improve your SDLC processes, KC has experts who can provide you an independent and unbiased recommendation, implement the solution, and be your trusted advisor.

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Karthik Consulting's headquarter address
Line 1: 11490 commerce park dr, reston, virginia 20191, us
Line 2: 11490 Commerce Park Drive
Karthik Consulting's industries
information technology & services
Karthik Consulting's technology
Apache Gmail GoDaddy Hosting Google Apps Google Font API Map Quest Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly WordPress.org
People working at Karthik Consulting
Sundar Gangadharan
Director - Digital Transformation
Reston, Virginia, United States
Felix Martin
VP Business Development and Capture
Reston, Virginia, United States
Bill S.
Senior Advisor
Reston, Virginia, United States
Krishnan Seshadri
Sr Director
Reston, Virginia, United States
Lamont Williams
Logistics Manager
Reston, Virginia, United States
Jermaine Reynolds
Desktop Support Services Specialist - Intermediate
Reston, Virginia, United States
Scott Henderson
Program Manager and Cybersecurity SME
Reston, Virginia, United States
Dan Magar
Configuration Manager/Cyber Team SM, SPC, DCO-S
Reston, Virginia, United States
Miah Minhazuddin
DevOps Engineer
Reston, Virginia, United States
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