kathexis executive advice

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We are enablers and initiate new perspectives. After some decades of very successful work in international executive search companies, we decided to abandon the seemingly exhausted veins of this industry in order to - together with our clients - develop new answers to the ever-changing determining factors of leadership talent recruitment and of contemporary human resources management. Having done so, in a variety of very intensive conversations we are always and particularly focusing on one thing: We listen carefully. The findings we pull out of these conversations set the groundwork of our more comprehensive, more flexible, and much more client-related service offering of leadership life-cycle management*. Following the idea of continuous improvement and optimization, our concept development process is consecutive and is constantly shaped by frequent feedback sessions with existing clients and prospects. Thus, our service remains agile and dynamically adapts to the moving targets of the market. Furthermore, with this approach we not only make sure we respond to the spot of the needs of our long-term existing client base but also deliver tailored solutions to potential new clients. We are convinced that our process capability, our deep industry sector expertise as well as our international experience add remarkable value to the success stories of our clients. Our joint practices are effectively supported by our local and international partners and a tightly knit network in a variety of industry segments, markets, regions and companies.

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Line 1: eichwiesenring 1/1, stuttgart, baden-württemberg, germany, 70567
Line 2: 1/1 Eichwiesenring
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Tarik Tarhan
CEO & Managing Partner
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