KaVo Kerr

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KaVo Kerr is a premier dental solutions provider committed to exceptional customer experience. Established in 2016, KaVo Kerr combines two global leaders with a long history of innovation and commitment to Dental Excellence and a common purpose of enabling healthy, beautiful smiles. The KaVo Kerr portfolio of dental diagnosis and treatment solutions includes restoratives, digital imaging solutions, treatment units, rotary instruments, laboratory equipment, infection prevention and practice education. KaVo was established in 1909 in Berlin with the motto of "Quality and precision" which continues to be the foundation for our continued excellence and innovation. Marquee dental equipment brands include DEXIS, i-CAT, Gendex, NOMAD, and Pelton & Crane. Kerr's 125 year history of innovation began in 1891 in Detroit, Michigan and expanded to the European Market in 1893. Market leading brands include OptiBond, SonicFill, Harmonize, MaxCem Elite and CaviWipes. For more information about KaVo Kerr, visit www.kavokerr.com. For our full social media terms and conditions, please see http://www.kavokerr.com/terms .

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KaVo Kerr's headquarter address
Line 1: 200 south kraemer boulevard, brea, ca, united states
Line 2: 200 S Kraemer Blvd
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medical devices
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People working at KaVo Kerr
Vishnu Vardhan Pully PhD MBA
Director Innovations & Technology
Brea, California, United States
Wesley Lin
Procurement Manager
Brea, California, United States
Chin Kim
IT Operations Manager
Brea, California, United States
Pasi Kinnari
R&D Manager, SW Engineering
Brea, California, United States
Mohammed Chreih
Marketing Director, Imaging EU
Brea, California, United States
Jason Davis
Vice President & CFO
Sanjun Niu, Ph.D
Director Of Engineering
Brea, California, United States
Joshua Pugh
Supply Chain Planning Manager
Brea, California, United States
Mattia Giacomo Marelli
Sr. Global Marketing Manager
Brea, California, United States
Stevan Petrovic
Managing Director Operations China
Brea, California, United States
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